France, a nation with a rich history, emerged from the unification of various duchies and kingdoms under a single monarch during the medieval era. While centralized authority remains strong, recent decades have seen a gradual increase in regional autonomy. The French people place significant trust in the state, which provides extensive social programs including free education, healthcare, and retirement benefits. This emphasis on state intervention often clashes with another core French value: the celebration of individual liberty. As historian Jules Michelet observed, "Britain is a kingdom, Germany is a nation, a race, France is an individual.
Prehistoric Cave Paintings in Lascaux
Visitors will immerse themselves in the captivating world of ancient craftsmanship in Lascaux, the planet's best example of Paleolithic workmanship. This UNESCO-recorded site lies in the Dordogne district's Vézère Valley. Discovery in 1940, the Lascaux Cave holds impeccable ancient canvases but has been shut down to prevent harm to the general population. A replica of the cavern by Lascaux II site, 200 meters from the real cavern, was made at the close. Lascaux II is a proliferation dedicated to the cavern and its canvases. The Paleolithic craftsmanship was replicated deliberately, knowing everything about the creature artworks for bona fide ochre tones.
Address: Montignac, France
Visiting Hours: 10:00 am to 06:00 pm
Entry Fees: Adult €16, Child 6-12, €10.40, Under-6 free, Family pass €44
Phone: 05 53 50 99 10
Useful Information
French, English (39%), Spanish (13%), German (8%), Italian (8%), Portuguese (3%)